Grand Ole Opry
by on October 7, 2023 in Miscellaneous

Another epic thing to check off the list of what this incredible ride as a music artist has provided. Jay DeMarcus got us a slot to play The Grand Ole Opry many months back this year and we were all exited about it. Some more than others because this is a huge deal for anyone who came up as a Country Music Fan.

Personally? I didn't? The music that was played in my household while I grew up was really steeped in Soul, RnB and the smooth instrumental music of the '60s. Sergio Mendez and Brazil 66, Herb Alpert and Tijuana Brass along with Dionne Warwick, James Brown, Dusty Springfield. Being that my mother is a great singer with the most buttery voice you can imagine, that's what we were listening to. Country music was nowhere on our radar. I wish it had been.

But so many years later in my life and well into a successful music career I got that magic letter from Jay DeMarcus in 2003 telling me he was one of the biggest Chicago fans in the world… that Chicago was one of the main reasons he started playing music… that he had followed my era of the band closely, (he's 10 years younger than me so the day came when I became an elder! haaaaaaa)…

And when Jay left me that personal note at a show he'd played 2 nights before us in Payallup WA, he told me he was in a country group called Rascal Flatts and wanted to see if I'd like to write music with him potentially for their 3rd album they were about to start…

Truthfully? (and please don't tell him I said this…) I wasn't taking it very seriously. Mainly because Country Music was not my thing. Like I said, I hadn't grown up with it so I missed all the great early stuff and frankly was never really moved by the more modern stuff… '80s, '90s? I was well into making hit records with Chicago during those years so my focus was on what came natural to me. Pop music. And yes, I had and have a rock edge to me because that really lit me up as well in the '70s and 80s.

So I read Jay's letter to me and I thought it would probably start out with, “Dear Chicago…” because I'd seen countless letters from bands and musicians by this point. Let's figure it out… I joined Chicago at the end of 1985 and sang my first Top 5 hit “Will You Still Love Me” that went all the way up during the end of 1986 into 1987.

So we'll scroll to 2003 when I got this letter so it was about 17 years of letters from wonderful fans, musicians, etc. And I need to say, at first, when I'd see a letter that came in from artists or bands they'd be addressed to “Dear Chicago”. So when Jay's letter got to me, as I said, I was expecting to see that.

But I opened the letter and it said, “Dear Jason,”. Now also remember, I had no idea who Rascal Flatts were… and they were really just started to heat up. Jay also gave me the “Melt” cd along with the letter… so I'm reading the letter and he's telling me Chicago is is favorite band, he'd been following my era with the group and was I interested in writing with him for their new record.

And again, (truthfully?? PLEASE don't tell him I said this!!!), I thought it was cute… but it didn't resonate with me at all. Also, I hadn't written any songs in years. I was enjoying the endless tour dates with Chicago that we had built over the years with all the hits we made, and I was now a big part of it. Half of the '80s hits were my era and contribution. So I'm thinking, “Well, how cute but this really isn't anything for me” and went and played our show that night.

We finished the show and when we got on the bus I just popped the cd on just because… I heard the first song which was “These Days” and my mind was blown. This hit me on so many levels it might be hard to count. First of all, Gary's voice was from another planet. One of the most unique sounds I'd ever heard in ANY genre! And here he is as a country artist? To me, this was pure R&B with a country twang to it… and the quality of his voice… otherwordly.

THEN, the songs!!! The production… the sound of the 3 voices together! I was transported into the future, in an instant. And this guy was telling me I'm partially responsible for this! He's telling me that the whole band were big fans and they were huge fans of ME! I listened to this and it was a turning point in my career as one of the main lead vocalists of Chicago.

You see, when I replaced Peter Cetera who went solo in 1985 in my mind it was an impossible task. There was NO WAY it was going to work. I kept going forward ONLY because of the encouragement I got from the band. Starting with Howard Kaufman who was managing the band at the time and one of the all time greatest managers to ever live, showing me the encouragement that the guys wanted me. But I was always ready for the other shoe to drop.

Once I passed the test, crossed the threshold of singing one of the band's biggest hit singles, “Will You Still Love Me”, and then going out to tour non stop… I felt more and more comfortable that maybe I was going to be able to stay… but truthfully… I always had it in the back of my mind that the REAL era of Chicago is Peter Cetera. I came up loving them in the '70s. Believe me… I missed him as much as anybody did when he was gone. I was a HUGE fan of the '80s comeback they made. Was DEVOURING the hits they had on constant rotation on the radio. “Hard To Say I'm Sorry”, “You're The Inspiration”, “Hard Habit To Break”, and so on… When he was gone I figured it would be over for them or at least dip to where they'd never had a hit record again…

And then, as I mentioned, we went in and made more massive hits. “Will You Still Love Me” #3 Billboard Pop, “What Kind Of Man Would I Be” (co-written by me… #5 Billboard Pop), “Look Away” #1 Billboard Pop and #1 Billboard Song Of The Year, “I Don't Want To Live Without Your Love” #3 Billboard Pop.

And then the day came… I got that fateful letter from Jay that let me know, I have an era with the band that influenced and inspired new generations. Wow….. to this day it blows my mind.

So as many of you know, Jay had an idea to put a band together when the pandemic happened so we could stay busy and we formed Generation Radio. We made our first record that was released a year ago and are going in to cut vocals next week, (Oct. 9, 2023 as I write this). So we've been out playing lots of shows over the last couple years and really enjoying ourselves…

I'll go back to the beginning of this post to circle back to how we got to the Opry. Jay told us we had the opportunity to play it and as I said, everybody was excited. We set the date… and we played it a few nights ago.

I've heard about the Opry for many years and on one level know the importance and significance of it but like I said, it didn't hit me as deeply as it did for the rest of the guys. Well first of all, Jay is an Opry member with Rascal Flatts. They've played there many times and I actually saw them perform there once. Chris Rodriguez has played there many times as well. Jim Riley, (Rascal Flatts' drummer who was sitting in for us because our drummer Steve Ferrone had a different commitment)… Jim's played there many times… and Tom Yankton… I'm not sure if he has or not. But I do know this… Yankton was expressing how important this was to him. These guys grew up with this as a goal… and I could tell this was VERY special to Yank.

Jay told us we would be doing 2 songs and suggested “These Days” and “Will You Still Love Me”… great… then he said they wanted a 3rd song. Asked what I thought and I suggested we do something real uptempo and our best choices in our set are “25 or 6 to 4” and “Life Is A Highway”. Jay suggested “25 or 6 to 4”. Sure, why not. I've done it a million times in these situations… lots of television, etc.

Then we got to the venue and Jay and I started talking about it and we realized we could ramp this up even more if we did 1 verse and chorus of “25” and then go into verse 2 of “Highway” which would be Yankton's verse. So we made a medley out of it.

When we hit that crescendo of our mini set, Yankton blew the roof off the place! And we knew why! This was, (as he told us later), an out of body experience for him. You could tell! And watch that video again at the top of this post! You'll know now some real inside stuff about the emotions!

And I realized, one more time, how lucky I was, and am, to be standing there in a great band with some of my best friends performing in a venue that is hallowed ground. As I'm standing there in this circle of a different kind of wood from the rest of the stage, I was told they kept that wood because it's a piece of the real stage where the icons stood. Hank Williams, Johnny Cash and you name it.

I may have walked into that venue not really know how important and special it was but you can be assured I walked out knowing.

Thank you again Jay for putting that together. Thank you for reaching out to me in 2003… and thank you for providing such an incredible playground for us to make music! Here's to the next Generation Radio album! Probably released coming up in 2024.

45 Responses to Grand Ole Opry

  1. Karen E McClellan on

    So proud of you.

  2. Elizabeth Bohannon on

    That’s the best blog ever

  3. Always awesome to hear your stories Jason and what has affected your life in music and as a person.
    I’m so glad that you got to experience that venue and all that goes with it! Really looking forward to the next Generation Radio album and hopefully get to see you live in my neck of the woods!
    All my best to you, the family and all the guys in Generation Radio!

    • I love the fact that you are expanding into different genres
      You are more talented than just a Chicago player
      Although I thought you were in the best version of Chicago

  4. Thanks Jason,
    The videos and interviews are great. I like going back to the basics for me and my students. Hers what I’m involved with these days.

    Take Care,


  5. I’m an old drummer/vocalist from the time when big “horn” bands were king, BS&T, Chase, Cold Blood, Earth Wind And Fire, Tower of Power and others, but Chicago was my favorite and the band I had in college wrote our own charts since they weren’t available to purchase. Fortunately we had 4 music majors in the group. I own every album on the original vinyl. I saw the original lineup in concert several times and again when you took over for Peter. Chicago never missed a beat when you took over bass and vocals. Needless to say…big fan.
    I also saw your dad play with Elvis. You are Better Than Elvis, to coin a phrase. Keep on keeping on my brother.
    Roger LeJeune

  6. Met you at the mule house show last year. You were incredibly friendly and humble. So happy to see you having fun and being appreciated for what a great musician and person you are.

  7. Like you, I didn’t grow up with any kind of country music influence in my life. But many years ago, I visited the Grand Ole Opry, and I got it how this place was where country music royalty played. When I first heard Generation Radio, Tom Yankton blew me away with his singing and playing. In the video you shared here, we can tell what a huge moment in his life it was for Yank to play there. Thanks for sharing, and congrats to you and Generation Radio for playing the Grand Ole Opry! Well done!

  8. Hello my friend…that was an amazing video at the Opry …sound awesome! what a great experience for everyone involved!!!
    Really enjoyed your thoughts about your travels with Chicago …104 shows, 10 years of meet greets I have more photos of you than my kid…
    I have enjoyed you since 1997 and still enjoy today…
    if you are interested in any photos of Chicago and you of course, I’d be happy to send the CDs. looking forward to you

  9. I love Jason Scheff! To me, though I have been a fan of Chicago since the beginning, Jason IS the voice of Chicago! Generation Radio is fantastic! The 1st album is top notch! Can’t wait for more. Best of everything to you Jason!

  10. Jason, do you still live in San Diego area? Do you have a band?Do you still play any or a lot of the older rock music like Chicago’s music? Do you play any place i or venue in the San Diego area? The reason I’m asking is that I would like to see & hear you play. The

  11. Loved reading this! Glad you had the opportunity to play the Opry. If I recall, didn’t Rascal Flats sing backup on the Chicago song Love Will Come Back? You can distinctly hear Gary’s voice! Thanks for sharing your story!

  12. Fantastic Blog Jason. Everyone truly enjoys your posts, videos, etc.
    your accomplishments are amazing.
    I can’t wait to see you guys on the cruise!

  13. Roseanna Jimenez on

    I was just talking about you to my Chiropractor who’s a fan and of course he’s a huge Elvis fan so your dad came up, proud to say
    “ I’ve met him the nicest guy Ever” (both you and your dad) !!!!
    Good to read your blog made my day

  14. Y’all sounded fantastic!! Hope to attend a live concert one of these days. Looking forward to your next album. Love you guys!

  15. Thanks for this Jason. You and Keith’s Era in the band were my favorite and I was a fan from the first album.

  16. Jason, you guys did great. I’m so glad you got to play the Grand Ole Opry. I have never been to a concert but this is the best I have com E to one. Thank you for putting it on your blog.

  17. I was at the Opry and ya’ll amazing. Whole crowd was buzzing…and singing…and clapping!!. I was sitting there hoping they would allow you more than 3 songs. Sincerely hoping you play another Nashville venue soon ( not a private gig) because your music is awesome and we need to hear more of it more often. Can’t wait for the next album❤️

  18. Fabulous blog ~ so cool that you were able to shared that video with the World! Never in a millions years, would I have ever believed, there could be a better rendition of the opening song, but you’ve out done yourself! Fairly certain, I first heard it, as maybe a demo on a cassette, along with decades of renditions… That was certainly perfection, legendary, Grand & Ole~
    Wow what a contribution! No doubt you belong in that circle of sacred wood… Growing up on music like we did, I didn’t expect to like or ever write or sing county either but exposure can change things ~ Don’t in make my red barn blue! Sending love & strength to you & yours forever. Imagine how proud your Mama is right now!
    It’s so Nice to see you running with some cool cats from Rascal flats… Cheering you on! xo

  19. Thanks for sharing, Jason!
    Glad you were able to experience performing at the Grand ‘Ol Opry. I grew up in south Texas, hearing a lot of country music. However, being a trombone player in school, I was heavily influence by Chicago and the trombone playing of Jimmy Pankow. Then, I started playing guitar later on, and I my first guitar influence was Willie Nelson (kind of jazzy style). Then I was onto players like Larry Carlton and Chet Atkins. Eventually, I bought a bass guitar, and I went back to listening to Chicago for some Cetera bass lines. Anyway, it sounds like you had a blast with Chicago, and now you’re continuing to enjoy playing music with Generation Radio, and WOW! You did 25 or 6 to 4 on the Grand ‘Ol Opry! That’s so cool!!

    Bill B.

  20. That was fantastic. Can’t wait to see you and the rest of the band on the 70’s Rock & Romance Cruise in March. Had the pleasure of seeing you perform and talking to you on the 2022 Cruise.

  21. Jason, nothing beats the joy of receiving the special gift of music. I do so appreciate the gift. Sounds wonderful and very much enjoyed. Thank you. I talked to Mom the other day in the community room. Such a lovely lady and neighbor. Be well and bless you always. Later.

  22. Lovin it! Pleased get your assesses to Orange County CA (respectfully) so we can hear the wonderful harmonies and musicianship in person!

  23. Jason, to date myself, enjoyed music starting in 50s. Becoming a trumpeter, I loved when Chicago came on scene with horns. I was a fan from beginning. Believe me, your era of tenor/bass were my favorite and hated when you quit. Happy you’re still doing it and you sound great. I hope you make it to Chattanoga Tennessee sometime.

  24. Jason, Congratulations!!! What an honor to see you perform at the Grand Ole Opry. GOO members, staff, legends, many artist, songwriters,audience, family, friends and fans love you and GR band. You guys will be back performing. What a rush!!! I’m so very proud of you and your performance. You sing with deep passion and perfection. Your voice is one of a kind. Greatest bsssist. I’m so proud of you and GR guys. My family and I love you. And GR band. May God continue to richly bless you. ps.. Greatest warm heart felt blog. Thank you for taking time to share with us all. ❤️❤️

  25. I have no words!!!! This great music keeps on coming! Thank you so much for the great video! Im looking forward to more!!!! You guys are the best!

  26. What a moment that you guys will never ever forget and talk about legends who have performed there and now Generation Radio joins that long list. I wasn’t listening much to country music until I heard a friend playing a CD in his car and I asked who is that and he said you gotta check them out they are called Rascal Flatts.I went out and bought the CD and thought to myself this isn’t Country as I knew it growing up and heard more of a Pop Meets Country mix and was amazed. Then again and again they just got better and better after every release and more and more hits.OK I had to see them in concert and who appears Jason Scheff of all people .And what a performance that was and the band was magical and the songwriting and live performances was truly mind blowing. Want to see a great performance have Jay show you the Crossroads Special with Journey and get ready to be blown away with the 2 bands together. I am still amazed you guys didn’t have a crossover hit in Love Will Come Back and who knows why that was.Im truly looking forward to your album you guys are working on because this band is mega talented and you guys proved what you have in the debut album so pressures on . One last thing I wanted to share is that me and a friend splurged on VIP tickets for Rascal Flatts and we got to meet them and ask a question. I asked You Guys Have Had So Many Great Moments So Far In Your Career But What Has Stood Out The Most ? They all said Wow That’s A Great Question Tim. Then Jay said it has to be the Surgical Center named after us at Vanderbilt Hospital. Now I have to tell you I expected to hear when we first heard These Days on the radio or an award they won but it made me love that band even more and showed they aren’t just great musicians but even better human beings

  27. Geraldine Peckham on

    Fantastic story!! You guys get better and better. What an exciting experience!!! I enjoy the fun times you guys have almost as much as the music. A special group of talented buddies. Looking forward to the new album.

  28. Cool story. You never know where those winding roads will lead

  29. What an experience for you! I’m so glad you got to play that very special venue and stand on that hallowed circle where so many country artists have stood before you.

  30. I am a long time friend of Yankton’s and we flew in for this special occasion. I use to live in Nashville and understand the significance of The Opry. I was so excited to come see you all perform there. I met Peter Cetera not long before he left the band. My Dads band had opened for Chicago, I believe in the late 70’s? Anyhow, I feel the same as you explained with Jay. After Peter left the band, I wondered how they would find a voice that could sing in the way we were use to hearing them. After you came on the scene, I was blown away by your voice and saw you through out the years on interviews, etc.
    I always had wanted to go see you perform and I never did until the night of the Opry! I was so happy to finally see you perform live and to be doing it with Yankton and Jay etc…
    This was really so special to me. I traveled from Oklahoma with my Mom and Sister and a friend came down from KY.
    THANK YOU JASON… for all my memories in my life and to share this night w your fellow band mates and my Mom & Sis.. it meant the world to me! I replied to the email you sent out with links to videos of the full performance on the Opry. Excuse my obnoxious singing… I was living in the moment!
    Videos are uploaded to you tube as well!
    Thanks for the memories!!!

  31. I’m not a big country fan myself, but the grand Ole Opryland is really one of the highest honors you can get. I’m glad you got to experience that. I really wish you would make the memory survives available to download. I just love the song and it reminds me of my grandmother that I lost in August of 2020. It would really be awesome if you would tour with Bill Champlain. That would be a great tour.

  32. Great story. Always great to hear the back story. Regret that my Nashville trip didn’t coincide with the show or any dinner plans with you in town. Cheers

  33. Great blog Jason. Have u been in the Ryman? That place is humbling. So happy I’ve followed you since Chicago years. I met you in St Charles,IL@ Arcadia theater. What a great meet& greet. You are so down to earth& kind. Can’t wait to see what’s in your future.

  34. Hello, my friend. Great stuff! I love this backstory. Such great music tying everyone together and weaving throughout our lives. I love the fact that we never know what is next and it just keeps going…Just keep going!! The music and stories are fantastic. Thank you for sharing your life with us. ❤️

  35. Hello Jason. I had the pleasure of seeing Generation Radio when you came to my hometown, Surprise, AZ, and you with Chicago many times. I have long been a fan of yours and I appreciate your posts. Continue doing what you do…you’re the best!

  36. Kathleen Schrum on

    Jason enjoyed reading the history that led up to the Oprey and the music wad wonderful!
    Hope to see you on the R&R cruise!

  37. Jason thank you so much for your posts. I am so glad that you are happy with your current chapter.
    One of these days Susan and I will make it to a Generation
    Radio show…as you know life takes over.
    Susan is now married with six kids. I don’t know if you recall but my issue is health related.
    Trying hard to eat that frog.
    At any rate keep doing what you’re doing. Keep doing what you love. Keep rockin! Much love.Stay well! ❤️

  38. I always knew, all the way back to “THE PEOPLE MOVERS” one day everyone would know who Jason Scheff is, and they do!

    He is the best. “I just love him”

  39. Thank you so much for sharing the video and your story about meeting Jay. Also about your honesty about not knowing the significance of the Opry and the impact it had on you. .

  40. The Grand Ole Opry video was superb. Unfortunately only 3 songs. I just cannot seem to get enough.
    Can’t wait for your next solo album to be released and also of Generation Radio.

  41. “buttery… Dear Chicago…Don’t Tell him…”
    that is the stuff I dig.
    haaa thanks for sharin’…great recap.

  42. Charissa Birdtail on

    How awesome of an opportunity that you’ve had, Jason! I really love hearing your stories, insights into what it takes to become a musician or to influence younger generations from an unique band, that’s Chicago! I’m really glad that you’ve stuck around for those years, I myself would probably kill to be in that band! You’re also a really talented, awesome musician that can bring any performances to life! Just a little of an insight, I know that he is retired from the music industry now but it will be awesome if you and Peter Cetera can do an album, collaborate on a project together. I’ve been wanting to hear some new stuff from him recently as I’ve heard that he’s been working on some kicks from time to time. That would be really cool if you guys can collaborate together! I know it probably sounds impossible at this point. That would be awesome!

  43. Charissa Birdtail on

    How awesome of an opportunity that you’ve had, Jason! I really love hearing your stories, insights into what it takes to become a musician or to influence younger generations from an unique band, that’s Chicago! I’m really glad that you’ve stuck around for those years, I myself would probably kill to be in that band! You’re also a really talented, awesome musician that can bring any performances to life! Can’t wait for your next project to be released, Jason!

  44. Millie Cain aka Mildred Gammill Cain on

    Thx for sharing this awesome personal story’s. Also thanks for sharing your music with my son, Yankton.i remember that he loved your music & Chicago, when he was young. You had a great impact on his music, no doubt. Thx. Also to let you know, he played the Grand Ole
    Opry, May 12, 2015, with Rascal Flatt’s. What a wonderful accomplishment & how awesome for me to be with him. Especially since I have awesome memories of listening to it on WSM, with my dad, in the late 50’s. Thx for being so kind to Yankton.

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