The Memory Survives
by on October 10, 2017 in

Here's a song I've had around for many years, well, the music at least. I reached out to my friend Humberto Gatica just to say hello. Humberto is the recording engineer who recorded and mixed Chicago 16, 17 and 18 so he's the guy who put the sound together I heard in my headphones on day 1 of recording vocals on Chicago 18.

He asked me if I had any songs and I said, “Well, yeah but that's not why I called. Just called to say hi”. He said, “Because we're about to cut for Celine”.

I told him, “Let me get back to you…” because I knew I had this music.

I called Randy Goodrum and said, “Hey, Humberto says Celine Dion is going to be recording and I have this music written. She lost her husband this last year so if we can maybe write something from the perspective of her singing to her husband…” he jumped and said, “Oooh, I love the angle. Let me spend some time on it.”

He got back to me later that day, and the lyric was just about finished. Talk about inspired… wow.

I submitted it and haven't heard back but I'll tell you this… this is how I've changed from where I was as a young writer/man. It was all about the expectation back then. Now? I remember thinking as we'd finished this and I put a vocal on it, “It doesn't matter if Celine Dion cuts this song. I cut it and I'm very proud of it.”

And since then there has been so much loss in the world… not to mention what people my age have been going through over the last several years in terms of losing people… the timing was/is perfect to let this out. I hope you all enjoy it.

17 Responses to The Memory Survives

  1. What an unbelievable song! That’s the voice I’ve longed to hear. Your voice sounds better than ever! I miss seeing you live! I can only hope you’ll finish the album and support it with a tour. Ron

    • This song has touched my heart, love it Jason , it made just want to tell all my family and friends, that I love them. Jason you have a lot of hear and soul!!!!!

    • You know Jimmie would have done anything for you, this is an amazing song, now i ser why you reached out to me and of course I was still in my loss stage Wow Jason what a great song. I will find you and see what you’re doing with the other guys now it’s awesome.

  2. This is simple yet powerful ballad. Love it. Thank you, Jason. Missed vocals like this since the beautiful ‘Love Lives On’

  3. Jason,

    Only someone with your creativity, heart and sensitivity could write and sing this song. Thanks for all the yrs with Chicago, this song and the great songs yet to come. Next time your performing in the state of NY let us know.


  4. This is an amazing song. Beautiful words

  5. Jason your voice is always amazing. Love the song. Wish you were still with Chicago you are so dearly missed by all your fans.

  6. Happened upon your blog and this beautiful song. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Rogeria Tavares on

    Another amazing song of yours, Jason! It is so beautiful and just goes straight to my heart, like just about all your songs. They all just come from your heart and soul, obviously – the music, the lyrics, and then your voice… Thanks so much, Jason, for sharing your beautiful soul through your music and voice through all these years. You are truly blessed… Keep unfolding your beauty… God bless you!

  8. Je suis aller voir un show de chicago a montreal je me souviens plus de la date et jason n était pas là quelle déception pour nous , jason quelle voix magnifique il completait tellement bien les autres membres du groupe

  9. Beautiful song which I’m sure has helped some people through some tough times. You were my favorite part of Chicago and I hope you tour Upstate NY someday soon. Thanks Jason For having such a kind soul

  10. Debra McDowell on

    Wow – that is brilliant. You put a lot of emotion into your material. Was this song about anyone in particular?

  11. Thank you for this wonderful song. I love your voice very much.

  12. This is mega! Only just got to be at this party. Late in the game, but here, nonetheless. Such a crystal vocal. Wonderful lyrics – after my own heart – (being a lyricist), and superb production. I heard cello. I LOVE cello! Glad I cottoned on. Brill!

  13. I keep discovering your work- this is incredibly poignant and moving. You have an incredible gift that you’re sharing with the world, and I am so very thankful for your music.

  14. So brilliant, intense, thank you Jason S. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  15. Jason,This has to be one of your most magnificent compositions

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