Will You Still Love Me
by on February 4, 2017 in

The one that started it all. It seems like yesterday driving down highway 5 to this video shoot. With the world right out in front of you… we knew we had a big hit on our hands and this was putting the icing on the cake.

10 Responses to Will You Still Love Me

  1. Hope all is well.
    You will be missed in Chicago
    But, time for the next big adventure!!

  2. Rogéria Tavares on

    One of your masterpieces, Jason! Gratitude, from the heart!

  3. The voice of Chicago for so long. You are a Good Soul!! You are truly an inspiration to me!! See you in OCTOBER…Counting down the days..Hopefully I will have the pleasure of finally meeting you..

  4. I will always remember this song. It was so pivitol in my life during that time, with my first boyfriend… such fond memories of my youth. Thank you and KEEP ROCKIN!

  5. Ohhh, this one takes me baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack. Been sharing with friends to reminisce. Thank you for the goods from a fellow San Diego kid. xo

  6. Debra McDowell on


  7. This was my wedding’s song in 1999. Now, 21 years and still rockin’. My favorite song from Chicago.

  8. So much talent and a great addition to Chicago.One of my all time favorite songs.Many Blessings Jason-Keep Rockin’www.kingcolton.com

  9. Catherine Denreyer on

    I absolutely love this song; however, I think they could have done a better video. Jason is amazing; I absolutely love his voice and the man. Can’t wait to see you in Toronto this Fall, 2024. . it will truly be a dream come true!

  10. Jason, Sometime before you left Chicago, I recognized just how hard you were working, both vocally and musically on stage, just relentlessly on song after song I just wanted to thank you and honor youat that point in your career. Of course, you have gone many places since then and have done so well. Thanks so much, Chris Mattox

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